发布时间: 2017-09-03     浏览次数: 2142






2000/09 – 2004/07,淮北师范大学,本科  

2004/09 – 2007/07,淮北师范大学,硕士

2010/09 – 2013/05,东华大学,博士


2007.6——至今 蚌埠学院 教师




1] 安徽省质量工程项目,基于“互联网+”的数学与应用数学专业实践教学模式研究(2015jyxm386)主持


 [1] 孙西超,梅红.工程化教育背景下数学与应用数学专业改革的探索-以蚌埠学院为例,  山东农业工程学院学报, 2017,34(2): 27-28.

  [2] 孙西超,梅红.工程化教育背景下利用频率认识概率的思考, 蚌埠学院学报2014 (6) :118-120

  [3] 孙西超,陈华喜.提高大学互动式教学效果的非课堂因素分析,长沙铁道学院学报,2014 (3) :195-196.



 [1]参编《数学思想与数学文化》,安徽大学出版社, 2012年出版.

 [2] 参编《概率论与数理统计》,安徽大学出版社, 2014年出版





     [3]安徽省高校优秀青年拔尖人才支持计划重点项目,gxyqZD2016354, 2016.1-2017.7,主持。    

 [4] 安徽省高等学校自然科学研究重点项目,KJ2016A453,几类高斯噪音驱动的随机微分方程及其在信用风险中的应用, 2016.1-2017.12,主持。


[1] Xichao Sun, Litan Yan and Qinghua. Zhang, The quadratic covariation for a weighted fractional Brownian motion, Stochastic and Dynamics2017,174), 1750029 (41).

[2] Xichao Sun and Litan Yan, Weak convergence to a class of multiple stochastic integrals, Communication in statistics-theory and methods20174617),8355-8368.


[4] Xianye Yu, Xichao Sun and Litan Yan, Solving a stochastic heat equation driven by a bi-fractional noiseBoundary Value Problem 201666):1-22.

[5] Xichao Sun and Ming Li, Stochastic fractional heat equations with fractional noises. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, article ID 421705, 2015.

[6] 薛益民,孙西超,赋权分数布朗运动驱动的重置期权定价模型.安徽师范大学学报,201639:20-25.

[7] Xianye YuLitan Yan and  Xichao Sun, Asymptotic behavior of the solution of the fractional heat equation, Statistics & Probability Letters , 2016 117 :54-61.

[8] Litan Yan, Xichao Sun, Bo Gao , Integral with respect to the G-Brownian local time, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 2015(424):835-860.

[9] 孙西超,闫理坦,G-期望下重积分的最大值不等式. 应用数学学报,2014(37): 847-856.

[10] Xichao Sun and Junfeng Liu , Weak convergence for a class of stochastic fractional equation driven by fractional noise, Advances in Mathematical Physics, article ID 316906, 2014.

[11]  Xichao Sun, Zhi Wang, Jing Cui,  A Fractional SPDE Driven by Fractional Noise and A Pure Jump Levy Noise in   , Abstract and Applied Analysis, article ID 758270,2014.

[12] Xichao Sun and Ronglong Chen, A Weak Convergence to Hermite Process by Martingale Differences, Advances in Mathematical Physics, article ID 307819,2014.

[13]Xichao Sun, Litan Yan, Jing Cui, Controllability of fractional neutral stochastic integro-differential systems with infinite delay. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, article ID 316902013

[14]Xichao Sun, Litan Yan, Zhi Wang,  A weak convergence to Rosenblatt Process, Journal of Donghua University, English Edition, 2012 29(6) : 480-483.

[15]Xichao Sun, Litan Yan, Huiting Jin, A Weighted-fractional model to European option pricing, Theoretical Mathematics and Applications, 20122(3): 87-9.

[16] Xichao Sun, Litan Yan, Mixed-fractional Models to Credit Risk Pricing, Journal of Statistical and Econometric Methods , 2012,  1(3):79-96.

[17] 崔静,闫理坦,孙西超,Poisson跳的随机时滞微分方程的渐进稳定性,东华大学学报(自然科学版), 2012,38(3): 361-366.


